I am just completely amazed at the awesome things that have become so clear to me since I've opened my heart to Jesus and have started trying to become more like Him, and I want to share it with everyone. Whether you choose to read it or not, is up to you. But I will tell you that my life has been incredibly changed for the better since I've become part of the family of Christ and keeps getting better as I give more of my time to Him and try to listen to Him more and let Him guide me.
Like I said, I am not good at putting things into words of my own, but I read alot and will share things that really speak to me or make an impact on my life in some way. I highly recommend the book "A Purpose Driven Life" written by Rick Warren. That book alone truly changed my life, before I even really started reading the Bible. I will share parts from that book at some point, but for now I'm sharing a couple of excerpts from a daily devotional publication called "The Word For You Today", which I receive as a gift from WPFF "Today's Christian Music" radio station in our area.
The first devotion references Romans 1:17 which reads in the NIV Bible: "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "the righteous will live by faith". The devotional quotes it from the NCV Bible as "It begins and ends with faith...those who are right with God...live by faith."
Stop Worrying!
A man who maintained he'd swallowed a horse was referred to a psychiatrist who recommended surgery. The surgeon agreed to bring a horse into the operating room so that when the man woke up he'd know the operation was a success. But after regaining consciousness the man opened his eyes and announced, "That's the wrong horse. It's white. The one I swallowed was black!" Too much anxiety and not enough reality - it's why Christ talks to us so much about worry (which means divided or distracted).
Understand this - Worry:
(a) Wastes your time and energy. Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:27 NIV). It's a medically proven fact that worry won't lengthen or enrich your life, but it can shorten it.
(b) Stops you from enjoying what you have. How? By creating burdens God never intended you to carry - because they are His.
(c) Makes you feel less-than. Jesus pointed out that you're worth much more than the birds of the air, and they don't worry or die from hunger; they simply enjoy life. Come on, if God takes care of them, don't you think He'll take care of you too?
(d) Makes you overlook God's promises. "If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line...by sending his...Son, is there anything else he wouldn't...do for us? (Romans 8:32 TM) Note the word "anything." That covers whatever you're going through right now, plus whatever comes up in the future. So stop worrying.
I know, that is much easier said than done, and I still worry way too much, but having faith in God's promises has helped me learn to give it up to Him more and to not worry quite so much, especially with things that are out of my control (which really is just about everything, right?).
The second devotion I'd like to share today references Psalm 25:16 (NIV): Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.
The cure for loneliness
Loneliness can make you do things you wouldn't ordinarily consider. And if you travel for a living you're particularly vulnerable. For example, a motel room far from home can become the breeding ground for affairs, pornography, drugs and alcohol. God said, "It is not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18 NKJV). Being in the wrong place at the wrong time has caused many a man and woman to fall. David prayed "Turn to me and be gracious...for I am lonely."
You can live beyond Satan's reach by:
(1) Staying close to God. When you're lonely, distancing from Him doesn't make sense. Jesus said: "I am the vine...you are the branches...you cannot do anything without me" (John 15:5 CEV). Jesus is your source of strength and wisdom; He's the One who can meet all your needs.
(2) Coming out of hiding. Get involved in some aspect of ministry. Be willing to be more transparent by getting to know others and letting them get to know you. When you spend time around people who care about you, loneliness ceases to be an issue.
(3) Reaching out. Focusing on yourself is a guaranteed way to feel isolated. Winston Churchill siad, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Instead of throwing a pity-party for yourself, reach out to those in need by giving of yourself, praying for them and loving them unconditionally.
(4) Forgiving those who've hurt you. Feeling sorry for yourself and harboring grudges leads to bitterness. Forgive, turn it over to God, let Him deal with the offender and get on with your life!
I think we all struggle with loneliness at times, some of us more than others. But when you realize that God is always with you, always loves you, that you can always go to Him, cast your cares upon Him,and trust Him to provide for you, even through your loneliness, it won't be as hard to endure those times.
If you have read this long post, thank you and I hope you've enjoyed it or gotten something from it - if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the points further, please feel free to contact me.
I wish you all blessings and joy!