So I've been having a case of the "blues" lately. Not really depressed or anything, just a little bummed out. Tired of winter. Stressing about bills and how the cost of everything keeps going up and up and UP. Feeling like we don't have the money to go anywhere or do anything. Stuck in a rut. A big ol' deep rut. Feeling like I have nothing to look forward to. If I ever get to take a few days off work, it will only be to stay home and do some much overdue spring cleaning. Feeling like a failure at some things that I feel are very important to me, but I'm not acting like they are important to me at all. I have wonderful intentions all the time, but never seem to do anything about them. Feeling responsiblity for some things that I don't mind being responsible for but not feeling like I'm up to the challenge. Knowing I need to change my eating and excercise habits (once again) or I am going to have some serious health issues down the road. Knowing that and knowing that I don't do anything about it which makes me really mad at myself, but evidently not mad enough to spur me into action. There are more things I could list too, but I'll stop here.
But....anyway....BIG DEAL! Poor me, right? Yeah I'm so pitiful. I have it so rough. Everyone should feel sorry for feeling sorry for myself isn't enough. My life stinks.
But I was feeling like that for a few days. Nothing like a good slap in the face to put things into perspective. And I firmly beleive that God is always behind those "slaps in the face". This time he used my compulsive blog hopping to slap me. Which, by the way, I am beginning to think that reading all the blogs was feeding my "woe is me" attitude. Sometimes it seems like *everyone* has so much more than me, more "stuff", a happier life, awesome vacations, more opportunities, more time to create, nicer weather, etc. etc. etc. I need to quit thinking about what I don't have and focus more on what I DO have. I have A LOT!!! And I'm not talking about just material things either!
Anyway, back to my "slap in the face". I was hopping from blog to blog, and 99% of the blogs I go to are stamping themed - but even those also have other things on them sometimes. I was on
Jami Sibley's blog and saw
this post and it just stopped me in my tracks. I had to get to work so I couldn't read too far into the blog but I did read quite a bit down and the little synopsis that he provides for anyone new to get caught up on their story. Wow. Talk about perspective. Talk about making my cares and woes seem SO insignificant. Wow. Reading his story about his wife and premie baby just totally broke my heart. I can't imaging having to face all of that day after day, week after week, month after month. And stay so hopeful and positive. It's sad and inspiring all at the same time. Please check out
Nate's blog.
It makes me want to help them. But what can I do? I will make a small donation to his fundraising effort, but that's all I can do financially. I want to do more. There's those "good intentions" popping up again. But what can I do? I have no clue. Wish I knew. I know I will for sure keep them in my prayers. And hope that some of you browsing my blog will feel inclined to do the same.
And yes I know there are thousands of people out there going through the same thing, and thousands going through much worse things, but this family's faith and love for each other and strength for each other is just so touching, at least to me. Just really got to me today. I think I will not be so inclined to "whine" about my life, at least not while this is fresh in my mind.
Well, I wrote the above before I went to work this morning, and now it is 11:00 p.m. at night. I never got a chance to finish it. I just went back to Nate's blog and there are a lot more posts since this morning, so you might have to read down a ways to get to the heart of their story. And I received another "slap in the face" since this morning. I found out late this afternoon that my good friend's father suffered a heart attack on Thursday and had surgery to have a stint put in. He's doing ok but he and his family have a long road ahead of them and many changes to make. I feel so helpless and wish there was something I could do for my friend, she and her family have been through a lot in the last couple days. Again, all I can really offer are my prayers.
Hearing about that was a "slap in the face" for me because of my health issues that I've been ignoring for months. Her father has diabetes and wasn't taking good care of himself. I know the risks for me and I have a lot of fear about what could happen to me, and yet I still don't change my habits. I don't exercise. I eat all the wrong foods and way too much of them. I'm so scared I will have major health problems, and at an early age, if I don't change my ways. But do I? I do good for several months and then I fall off the wagon and go back to old habits. I just hate exercise and love food too much. But do I hate/love them more than I love life? I don't think I do, but that's how I've been acting. What is wrong with me??? :-(
Oh, and there's more still. I got a third "slap in the face" this afternoon too. Right before I found out about my friend's dad. Got a call from my Dr.'s office. I had some lab work done the other day and my blood sugar A1C level was way up (they didn't tell me what it was) and they said I need to go get a prescription to increase one of my medications again. The one that gave me lots of stomach problems. Yay. It's my own fault though. I have to increase it for two weeks then go back for more labs and go see my doctor. I'm hoping I can do better with diet and exercise and get back off it, that medication really did not like me.
So, yeah it was quite the roller coaster ride of a day today. I put in a half hour on the treadmill tonight. I didn't want to do it, but had motivation tonight plus when I felt like quitting I thought about Tricia (from the blog link above) and all she's going through and that made me feel lucky to be able to walk on a treadmill at all. It's a start. I need to keep at it. Sigh.
I did some stamping tonight also, but nothing I can share with you yet. The plan is to do something tomorrow that I can post. Not promising, but am going to try. No plans tomorrow other than getting on the treadmill again, paying some bills, and hopefully going out to dinner and maybe doing something fun with my husband afterwards. No kids this weekend and we need to spend some time together. I'd *like* to start a rearranging and reorganizing project in my stamp room, but not sure this weekend is the best time to start that.
I'm sorry for the long, rambling post with no projects to look at. I know most of it was nothing anyone really wanted to read, but I do feel better for writing it, and I do hope you will try to check out the blogs I linked to - I guarantee it will make you appreciate your life more. And inspire you. At least it did me.
Wishing you all a happy weekend full of blessings. I'll be back soon to share something stamping related, I promise. Take care.
P.S. I don't know why the spacing is all messed up on this post. The first part is like double spaced and then the second part I added tonight doesn't even have spaces between paragraphs. I've added blank lines but they disappear when I publish. I don't know what's wrong but I'm too tired tonight to play around with it any longer. Sorry.